For industry partners

Becoming a partner

Global Women in Engineering and IT enables students to work hands-on on real, practice-oriented projects from renowned companies. The students work in international and interdisciplinary teams. The aim is to prepare the students for everyday working life and to create the prerequisites to be able to thrive in it.

Before participating, students go through a rigorous selection process. After their participation in the summer school, the students are proven in future topics such as Industry 4.0, Digital Twin und System Lifecycle Management. Furthermore, the students are trained in the agile working method SCRUM. During their SCRUM workshops, the students will also work on your project. Each student works around 300 hours on your project.

Benefits of our partners

Our partners have the opportunity to be the first to get to know qualified and highly motivated potential new employees before they enter the labour market. As a partner, you have the opportunity, after consultation with the supervising professors, to freely define the students’ project work according to your wishes. This is an excellent opportunity to outsource new project ideas or get fresh input on old problems.

The results are freely available and there is also the option of expanding the results with individual students in the form of a thesis.

As a partner, you have the opportunity to expand your network and make contacts with HTW Berlin, its professors and students.

What to expect

Our partners are mainly responsible for the tasks of the students during the International Summer School Track. In summary:

  • Development and presentation of a task for the students (online pitch meeting January 2025 for Track #4)
  • Availability of a contact person for the students
  • If necessary, briefing of the students about special work requirements (e.g. in-house software etc.)
  • Student performance reviews
  • 4-5 meetings with the project group (live or remote)
  • We would be delighted to hear of any additional interest in cooperation!

All information for future partners

Are you interested in becoming a cooperation partner?

Just email the following form to: 

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