What is the Sustainability Certificate?

Structure of the Certificate

The sustainability certificate is comprised of three components.

  • Firstly, an introductory module.
  • In addition to this module, two further components must be selected from sections I, II and III, below.

Contents of the Certificate

I Successful completion of a module from the applicant’s own degree programme.

II Regular participation in a student initiative or similar at HTW Berlin for at least one semester, e.g.:
III Regular participation in civil society initiatives for at least one semester, e.g. those arranged by a volunteer agency:

How to get the Certificate

  • Register via email
  • Complete the introductory module and two further components
  • You are welcome to use this form as proof of the required participation.
  • The certificate is awarded by the Vice President for Studies, Teaching and International Affairs.

All students at HTW Berlin can apply for, and receive, the sustainability certificate. You can find all the important information in our brochure